And Help for Providers
Thank you for choosing Stepping Stones Care as your agency to serve individuals with developmental disabilities.
You will be working with members in the community and in their homes delivering services approved by the State of Arizona. Members will be of various ages, genders, and backgrounds. For each member you work with you will be given a maximum amount of hours for each service to provide. It will be up to you and the member/ member representative to make a schedule that works for both parties.
Before scheduling your interview be sure to complete all the forms and be ready to hand them in all at once. Apply in person so that we can meet you face to face and get a better chance to get to know you. This will help us better match you to a potential client.
Complete the application and submit any documentation listed on the checklist. Some of the forms are state forms and will need to be downloaded. We will need documentation on certifications. If you do not have certain certifications do not worry, we will train you!
Our staff will start searching for clients in your area that are most likely to be a good match based on you search criteria and availability.
When a client is found we will call to inform you and see if you are interested.
If the client seems to be a good fit you will need to give the parent or guardian a call for a phone interview. If you and the guardian feel it will be compatible then you will set up a face-to-face meeting with the family.

After the face to face meeting you will decide if you are interested in providing services and the guardian will decide if you are the right match for their loved ones. Remember the family has a choice whether or not to use you as their service provider.
If the family selects you as their service provider they are to call the Stepping Stones Care office and inform the staffing coordinator they are ready to receive services from you. Additionally the guardian will inform the support coordinator that they have selected you.
Before providing any services you must have all the required training for that service.
You MUST COMPLETE these forms and SUBMIT them along with copies of any current certifications and credentials you already have.
The following are included in this packet for you to submit.
Application Caregiver
Pairing Questioner
Criminal History Self Disclosure Affidavit
(W-4) Employee Withholding Allowance
(A-4) Employee’s Arizona Withholding Election
(I-9) Employment Eligibility Verification
Stepping Stones Care LLC
15333 N Pima Rd #305
Scottsdale, AZ. 85260
Office Information
Office Phone 602-529-CARE 602-529-2273
Fax 480-304-3752
On Call Staff 602-529-2273
Regular Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00
Payroll Time Sheets are due on the 5thst and 20th of every month. They are to be printed from our online timecard system DDReports and signed by both you and the members you serve.
Time sheets must be faxed or hand delivered to the office on the specified days by 12:00 noon on due date or anytime before. If you are unsure about whether or not the fax was received please call the office at 602-529-CARE.
Please mail or hand-deliver the original time sheets to the office at the end of the month. Make sure they include signatures of the responsible person as well as yourself. Postage paid envelopes will be supplied.
Do Not fax Habilitation Reports, or Respite Daily Notes. Mail or hand-deliver them to the office with your original timesheets at the end of the month.
Instructions for Time Sheets and Reports
Be aware of the amount of hours authorized by the DDD for each client and each service. If you go in excess of what is allowed by the State you will not be paid for those hours. A description of allowable hours can be seen each time you log into your timecard.
Complete the time cards and reports as shown on the example page, “Online Timesheets with DD-Reports,” in a legible fashion using only black ink for signatures. Once signed you must mail into the Stepping Stones Care office using the postage paid envelopes to be paid. Original Documents with original signatures must be received by 12:00 noon on the 5th and the 20th of each month. Be sure to keep all sheets confidential, not to expose any client information per HIPPA act.
All times are calculated to the quarter hour.
DD-Reports will automatically total the hour that you input. The guardian or responsible person, as well as yourself, will sign at the END of the billing period before mailing or delivering the documents to Stepping Stones Care.
We may hold checks until we receive original signed notes and Habilitation reports. Billing and Pay Dates 2016-2017 All time cards should be turned by the 5th and 20th of each month. If the 5st or the 20th should fall on a weekend or holiday turn in time cards on the next business day. Paychecks will be mailed or sent by direct deposit within 3 days.
Simple Payroll
Helpful ways to ensure your payroll is on time
Stepping Stones Care will be happy to help you print timecards with advanced notice. You must call ahead to have documents ready for pickup at our offices located at:
Stepping Stones Care LLC
Regus Corporate Offices
15333 N. Pima Rd Suite 305
Scottsdale, AZ. 85260
Stepping Stones Care LLC Pay Rates
Starting Pay Rates
Stepping Stones Care LLC
Training will be reimbursed to those taking new classes after 90 days providing services
We recommend looking at the schedules for the following training program and choosing your time. Make sure you contact the training provider directly to register.
Maguire Consulting (3 Locations)
737 West Guadalupe Road Suite 114, Mesa, AZ 85210
15396 N. 83rd Ave Suite A100, Peoria, AZ 85382
2320 N. 20th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85006
Maguire Consulting & Publications LLC:
Employees can see a schedule of the classes offered under:
Fees for Article 9 training and Habilitation Certificate will be reimbursed by Stepping Stones Care. Stepping Stones Care will cover the cost of renewing all certifications of existing employees who have been with the company 12 months. The cost of the Fingerprint Card will not be reimbursed.

Fingerprinting Process
Training Sites Practical Training Solutions
CPR/First Aid/Article9/Habilitation
ACE Training 623-932-7979
Heart Savers
CPR/First Aid
East 480-998-5193
West 623-889-3313
Arizona Watchdawg
[email protected]
Sabrina Martinez
Private trainer for certifications
[email protected]
Stepping Stones Care does not pay for training up front but will reimburse the cost of training after 90 days providing service with the company. You must retain your receipt and Stepping Stones Care will reimburse classes at the rate of $25 per training class. Cost of the fingerprint card will not be reimbursed.
Fingerprinting Services
UPS Store Valley wide
Most provide fingerprint services for a $19.95 fee. However, you still must send fingerprints to DPS for additional $67. Processing can take 4-6 weeks
Scottsdale Fingerprinting Service
9393 N. 90th St. #121
Scottsdale, AZ
They offer fingerprinting for a $15 fee. However, you still must send fingerprints to DPS for additional $67.
Processing can take 4-6 weeks
Arizona Live Scan Digital Fingerprints
2432 W Peoria Ave
Phoenix, AZ. 85029
Most provide fingerprint services for a $19.95 fee. However, you still must send fingerprints to DPS for additional $67.
Processing can take 4-6 weeks
Questions and Answers
Time tracking and payroll is done with an online system called DDreports. You can access DDreports on a computer or smartphone with internet access. If you do not have a computer you can use public library computers free with a library account. You can also print documents at most libraries for a minimal charge per page. Large Documents such as this application can be completed with PDF filler and submitted electronically to conserve resources.
You will need a printer to print and submit your application, print and submit timecards, as well as your Respite notes and Habilitation forms. You will be required to print your timecard in order to have the parent or guardian sign and initial before it is submitted to us. Timecards with the “wet signature” must be submitted by mail or hand delivery within by 12:00 noon on the 5th and 20th of each month.
We can pay our employees better because we cut down on expensive overhead such as extravagant offices, additional office staff, and printing. Living in the digital age allows us to work from the community where our clients and providers live and work. If you don’t have these accessories there are a variety of ways to operate. Please ask if you need assistance.
Most public libraries offer free access to computers with Internet service to holders of a library card. Most libraries also offer printing and fax service with a minimal charge per page. There are also many office supply companies and business stores that offer printing services. Some suggestions might be Staples, Copy Max, Office Max, UPS Store and FedEx.
Yes, some documents can be sent in by picture text or email. Training certificates, fingerprint cards, CPR/First Aid cards, ID cards, and a driver’s license can be sent by picture via email or text. HOWEVER, documents that require an original signature or have protected information or client information must be sent securely. You will receive postage paid envelopes to mail in time cards and documents with client information. You are not allowed to use a scanning app on your phone for these documents.
Most members in the DDD community receive Habilitation services. Habilitation entails the teaching of simple life skills such as folding clothes, brushing teeth, safety awareness, using money, and other valuable skills. To provide Habilitation services caregivers must complete classes such as Habilitation/ Skill Building. This class usually takes a couple hours to complete and costs $25.
Do you pay for classes and training? Stepping Stones Care does not pay for training classes but will reimburse you for the cost of training such as CPR, First Aid, Article 9, and Habilitation. Reimbursements will be sent for trainings completed after 90 days of providing services with our company. A receipt of classes must be submitted for reimbursements.
Does Stepping Stones Care withhold training certificates or keep them so that I cannot be hired by other agencies without repeating the classes?
Although most agencies do withhold certification documents we do not hold your certifications or restrict you from working with other agencies with those certifications. You completed that training and those certifications are yours to keep. Refer to the Application Packet for training sites that provide those classes.
Your schedule will be based on your request and our ability to pair you with a client that is in your area. You may take on multiple clients to get a full time schedule. Each client’s needs are different and schedules vary. The State of Arizona evaluates each member individually to determine how many hours of each service they are approved for.
When can I start? If you meet the criteria set forth by Stepping Stones Care you may be asked to meet a client once you have submitted a valid Fingerprint Clearance card, CPR card and First Aid card. You are able to begin providing Respite care once you have completed Article 9. You may be able to provide Habilitation Services once you have completed the Habilitation (Skill Building) certification.